Japanese events

Want to know more about the events of the year in Japan? This category of events explains the basic knowledge and origin of Japanese holidays and other events.

Children's Day

What is the meaning of decorating helmets and armor on Children’s Day?

Have you ever spent Children’s Day in Japan? In my case, I was impressed by samurai armor more than anything else. When Japanese people were children, they were very afraid of these samurai’s faces. They don’t even like to approach them, especially at night, and there are even children who always wonder if they can’t […]

What is the meaning of decorating helmets and armor on Children’s Day? Read More »

syogatsukazari 1

What are Shogatsu Kazari(New Year’s decorations)? How long do we display them?

What are Shogatsu Kazari(New Year’s decorations)? How long do we display them? In Japan, once the three days of the New Year are over and schools and companies begin to open, people begin to remove New Year decorations such as kadomatsu and kagamimochi. However, one may wonder about the rules regarding when to display these

What are Shogatsu Kazari(New Year’s decorations)? How long do we display them? Read More »