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You can try the exercises of your desired level on the Japanese JLPT practice exam page below. Don’t postpone, give it a try now.
Reference from the Japan Foundation
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Date of JLPT Japanese Language Proficiency Test
It is held twice a year, in early July and December.
To apply for the upcoming JLPT exam, please click here:
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What should we do about “Mukaebi” and “Okuribi” during Obon?
As the saying goes, “Bon and New Year’s Day”, Obon is as important to the Japanese as New Year’s Day.
What does “Ofudou-san” mean?
Not many Japanese know that “O-fudo-san” means Fudo Myoo. In general, many people may only have an image of Fudo
What are Shogatsu Kazari(New Year’s decorations)? How long do we display them?
What are Shogatsu Kazari(New Year’s decorations)? How long do we display them? In Japan, once the three days of the
Unveiling the Ninja: From Historical Shadows to Modern Myths
For those who have never been to Japan, some may have an image of “Japan = Ninja. However, in some