Post a review and receive a bonus lesson!

Thank you very much for studying with us so far. This is the end of the e-Learning course. I hope you enjoyed it.

If you are satisfied with this course, please support us by posting a brief review below. A bonus lesson material is “Essential Japanese particles and what they mean”.

 You can receive a special bonus lessons. To receive them, please email us (learning@hh-japaneeds.com) after posting your review.

japanese tutoring HH JapaNeeds logo

Enrich your life

We hope you can gain so much more than just learning Japanese. Studying Japanese is not just about improving your language skills. It’s also about enriching your life.

If your life becomes richer, we hope you will want to take on bigger challenges and have a positive impact on society. We at HH JapaNeeds want to be your guides to opening the door to a better you and a better world. 
Discover the best way to master the Japanese language. It is a wonderful experience to study Japanese one on one with one of our tutors! The teacher shares your strengths with your weaknesses and goals you want to achieve.
They create customized learning plans and work together to overcome areas that need improvement. We are always there to help you. Expand your potential and make your dreams come true.
The Japanese journey has just begun!
Finally, I would like to say goodbye to you.

See you again when the next series are ready.

Japanese culture cafe studying conversations

Meet new people -新しい人との出会い –

Meet new people         Japanese  Person 1: こんにちは。はじめまして。  Konnichi wa. Hajimemashite. Hello. Nice to meet you.  Person 2: はじめまして。おげんきですか。  Hajimemashite. O-genki desu ka? Nice to

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