All about JLPT

This page offers concise information on every JLPT level, covering exam content, study methods, and key resources. 

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All about JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test)

What is the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)?​ Make good use of the JLPT to learn Japanese. 

Table of Contents

1. Exam contents​

The JLPT is an abbreviation for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, which is a test for measuring Japanese proficiency for those who do not speak Japanese as their mother tongue. The JLPT has 5 levels-N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5.  The smaller the number, the higher the difficulty level.

This test comprehensively measures Japanese communication skills based on the three areas of “language knowledge,” “reading comprehension,” and “listening comprehension.” If you apply for the test and get a passing score or higher, you will be awarded a certification based on that level.

Check here for Japanese lessons by online Japanese tutors to help you pass the JLPT

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2. Date of JLPT Japanese Language Proficiency Test

It is held twice a year, in early July and December.

To apply for the upcoming JLPT exam, please click here:

JLPT exam location Japanese language tutors

3. General Description of each JLPT Level

  • N5-Can understand basic Japanese to some extent.
  • N4-Can understand basic Japanese.
  • N3-Can understand Japanese used in everyday situations to some extent.
  • N2-In addition to understanding Japanese used in everyday situations, can understand Japanese used in a wider range of situations to some extent.
  • N1-Can understand Japanese used in a wide range of situations.
JLPT N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 level descriptions

MyJLPT is a website that allows those who wish to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) in Japan to apply for the test, check their test results, and apply for the issuance of certification results and certificates. Check more…

JLPT level picture Japanese tutors

5. Advantages of Taking the JLPT

  • You may need it when working for a Japanese company.
  • Points are awarded based on testing levels achieved to receive preferential treatment in terms of immigration control in Japan.
  • Taking the JLPT is a condition for taking national examinations such as Japanese medical examinations (N1 is required)
  • N2 or higher is required to be exempted from the Japanese language test.
  • Exemption from some subjects on the Japanese Junior High School Graduate Certificate Examination (N2 or higher makes exempts people from the Japanese language test)
  • Taking the JLPT is a condition for selecting candidates to be nurses and care workers.
  • Review an overview ofJLPT N5 practice test, JLPT N4 practice test , JLPT N3 practice test, JLPT N2 practice test, JLPT N1 practice test and all about JLPT.

In addition to receiving preferential treatment when residing in Japan, there are cases where a certain level or higher is required for certain occupations.
Since the JLPT is the most widely accepted method for proving your Japanese language level, it is useful in many aspects of your life, even outside of job hunting.

Click here for Japanese lessons by Japanese tutors to prepare for passing the JLPT

JLPT level up

JLPT exercises

You can try the Japanese JLPT practice test of your desired level. Students taking the e-Learning course can take the N5 to N1 practice exams during the course.

  • JLPT Level check. (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test)
  • JLPT Practice Test N5, N4, N3, N2, N1.
JLPT N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 level descriptions

Vocabulary: 25 min, Grammar: 50min, Listening: 30min

This practice test is slightly different from the actual number of exam questions and question format on the actual N5 test. Please purchase the latest practice exam questions to make sure. Source: Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Worldwide Official Website. You can check the official questions of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.

Try the JLPT example

N5 question
きのうは うちに (      ) 何(なに)を しましたか。
1 かえる  2 かえるから  3 かえって  4 かえったり
                                                 Answer: 3

N4 question
(     )しないで、どうぞ たくさん たべて ください。
1 しつれい 2 しっぱい 3 えんりょ 4 はんたい
                                                 Answer: 3

N3 question
(      )寝たので、気持ちがいい。
1 すっかり 2 ぐっすり 3 はっきり 4 ぴったり
                                                 Answer: 2

N2 question
新しい商品を売るために、彼は毎日忙しく飛び(     )いる。
1 かかって 2 かけて 3 まわって 4 まわして
                                                 Answer: 3

N1 question
私の主張は単なる(     )ではなく、確たる証拠に基づいている。
1 模索 2 思索 3 推測 4 推移
                                                 Answer: 3

To what level could you get the correct answer?

Reference from the Japan Foundation

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