How to find a job in Japan
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Best websites to find a job in Japan
Due to the declining population and declining birthrate and aging population, there is a labor shortage in Japan. Under such circumstances, an increasing number of companies are hiring “foreigners” as new workers. With the active recruitment of foreigners, the “foreigner recruitment site” is also diversifying. We will introduce Best recruiting media by “employment type” such as full-time employees, part-time employees, and temporary employees.
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Recruitment for full-time employees
- A “bilingual job site” specializing in global career change.
- Large number of registered candidates and companies, strong in recruiting IT personnel.
A job information site for foreign and Japanese global companies.
It is a medium with a long history, having been around for over 20 years, from its establishment in 1998 to the present.
One of the strengths of the site is that one out of every three registered users has an annual salary of 5 million yen or more, and many of them are ready-to-work professionals.
The IT jobs are categorized into “open/web”, “infrastructure”, “embedded/control” and so on.
Recruitment for full-time employees
- There are over 5,000 jobs available at any given time.
- The site offers a wide range of jobs from sales, administration, marketing, engineering, and professional positions, many with high salaries.
The site also offers a wide range of job search support services such as English resume writing and English interview preparation, as well as a scout function.
If you want to use your language skills and expertise to find a job at a foreign company or global company, this is the site for you.
Jobs for full-time, part-time, contract, and temporary employees
- This is a job site where you can search for a job from over 20,000 jobs in 11 languages.
- You can search for jobs that foreigners can apply for based on criteria such as location, employment type, and Japanese language level.
- A job information site for foreigners who want to work in Japan.
- Focuses on jobs that allow you to “utilize your language skills” and “build bridges with your home country.
Global Power, the company that operates the site, has been helping foreign nationals find jobs for over 15 years, and has a wealth of knowledge and expertise.
Their “NINJA” is one of the largest employment information sites for foreigners in Japan, with a database of about 43,000 foreigners from 134 countries.
The site also has a wide range of contents for job seekers, where they can acquire the knowledge they need to find a job in Japan, from how to write a resume to how to dress appropriately for business.
Jobs for full-time, part-time, contract, and temporary employees
- An employment information website that guides foreign nationals to information on finding a job, changing jobs, and obtaining a work visa.
- Easy-to-understand design, including job titles and employment types.
This is a job site that provides support services for foreign nationals to find a job.
It features a UI that allows job seekers to see at a glance the conditions they are interested in, such as “Chinese (standard),” “quick entry,” and “little overtime work.
The site is also unique in that it offers jobs with support for obtaining a work visa.
Since office work jobs are listed as the No. 1 most popular type of job, we can recommend this site to people who need help with telephone operators and translators.
Jobs for full-time, part-time, contract, and temporary employees
- An employment information website that guides foreign nationals to information on finding a job, changing jobs, and obtaining a work visa.
- Easy-to-understand design, including job titles and employment types.
This is a job site that provides support services for foreign nationals to find a job.
It features a UI that allows job seekers to see at a glance the conditions they are interested in, such as “Chinese (standard),” “quick entry,” and “little overtime work.
The site is also unique in that it offers jobs with support for obtaining a work visa.
Since office work jobs are listed as the No. 1 most popular type of job, we can recommend this site to people who need help with telephone operators and translators.
Jobs for full-time, part-time, contract, and temporary employees
- An English-language information site that supports the employment and lifestyle of people who want to work in Japan.
- The site is registered not only for people living in Japan (80%) but also for people living overseas (20%).
This is a recruitment service that has supported over 8,000 companies with their job advertisements.
Since 90% of the registered candidates are young people between the ages of 25-34, it is recommended for recruiting companies that want to hire young foreigners.
In addition, applicants are not limited to Japan, such as the U.S., the Philippines, and the U.K.
It is also recommended for job seekers who are thinking of applying from overseas.
Part-time employment
One of the largest registered recruitment sites in Japan (100,000 people) specializing in recruiting foreign nationals.- It can also be used for recruiting jobs in rural areas such as agriculture and resort jobs, and for recruiting people with specific skills.
WORK JAPAN” is a recruitment site for foreign nationals. It is unique in that it solves the two problems that foreigners face when looking for a job: “It’s hard to read jobs” and “I’m not comfortable booking interviews over the phone.
WORK JAPAN” is available in Chinese and Vietnamese. Since people from China and Vietnam can read text in their native languages, they can search for jobs smoothly.
A wide range of industries that are suffering from a shortage of human resources, such as the restaurant industry, food manufacturing, and logistics and warehousing, have posted jobs on “WORK JAPAN” and have secured applications.
Part-time employment
- A recruiting site for part-time employment of foreigners.
- We can also introduce and dispatch foreign staff.
The job categories (IT engineer, web designer, etc.) are clearly separated, so it is recommended for those who have a clear idea of the type of work they want to do.
We offer a variety of services for foreign nationals. Therefore, the company’s strength lies not only in its ability to post jobs, but also in its ability to meet the needs of dispatch and introduction.
This list is based on the results of an independent survey conducted by the HH JapaNeeds team in 2023.
If you would like your site to be included on this list, please contact us.
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皆さんは1年の始まりをどんな風に過ごしていますか? 日本では、一般的に1月7日までを「お正月(osyougatsu)」と呼ばれていて、1月1日を「元旦(gantan)」、1月1日~3日までを「三が日(sanganichi)」と呼んでいます。 どの国でも1年が始まる日はお祝いムードに包まれますが、日本でも同じように新年をお祝いする習慣があります。 その多くが日本ならではの風習であるため、日本に訪れた外国籍の人からすると新鮮な体験ができることでしょう。 この記事では、そんな「日本のお正月ではどんなことをするの?」という疑問について解説していきたいと思います。 Contents1 日本で行われるお正月行事1.1 初日の出1.2 初詣1.3 おみくじ1.4 おせち料理1.5 年賀状1.6 お雑煮1.7 お年玉1.8 鏡餅2 まとめ 日本で行われるお正月行事 それでは、さっそく日本で行われるお正月行事をいくつか挙げていきましょう。 この時期に日本に滞在するならば、ぜひ積極的に日本のお正月を体験してみましょう。 初日の出
I have previously written an article titled “Japanese Customs and Culture that Foreigners Find Strange in Japan,” but there are
Japanese has no “tone” at all. ひらがな 日本語を学ぶための最初のステップは、アルファベットを学ぶことです。または、少なくとも、その言語に存在する音を学ぶために。他の多くのアジア言語のように、日本語には「声調」はまったくありません。アルファベットには、後で説明する2つの例外しかありません。日本語のアルファベットには文字は含まれていませんが、代わりに文字が含まれており、技術的にはアルファベットではなく文字セットです。下の表の文字はひらがなと呼ばれています。ひらがなは、日本語の主要なアルファベットまたは文字セットです。日本語には、他に2つの文字セットがあります。後で説明する漢字(漢字)と、主に外国語に使用される別のアルファベット/文字セットのカタカナです。カタカナについてはレッスン2で説明します。ひらがなのすべてのキャラクターを覚えるまで、先に進むのを待たないでください。他のレッスンを続けながら、それらを学びましょう。 日本語には5つの母音があります。 (a)、「ahh」と発音、(i)、「eat」では「e」のように発音、(u)、「soon」では「oo」のように発音、(e)、「elk」では「e」のように発音、および(o)、「oh」と発音します。 (n)を除いて、すべてのひらがな文字はこれらの母音の1つで終わります。英語に似ていない唯一の「子音」は日本語の「r」です。 「d」、「r」、「l」の組み合わせのように少し「巻かれ」ています。 HH JapaNeedsYour tutor. Your