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Japanese Language Schools in Oita Prefecture

Information about Japanese language schools in Oita Prefecture. Japanese language education facilities such as individual Japanese language courses at universities and vocational schools have been introduced in each region of Oita Prefecture.

If you are thinking about studying in Japan or living in Japan and are looking for a Japanese language school, please use this site to find the school that suits you best.

Click here to find Japanese lessons with the best Japanese tutors near you in Oita prefecture.


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Oita map

Looking to learn Japanese in Oita? Look no further than HH JapaNeeds’ private lessons! Our experienced teachers provide personalized lessons tailored to your needs, all at an affordable price. You can learn Japanese with the best online tutors even if you have difficulty meeting face-to-face. You can try out a lesson with a teacher before committing, free of charge! Don’t miss this chance to start your Japanese learning journey with us.

Check here for a completely free online course to learn Japanese.

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List of Japanese Language Schools in Oita Prefecture

Oita Prefecture

List of Japanese Language class in Oita

Oita prefecture

AreaClassroom name
Oita CityAiueo CLUB
(NPO Oita International Exchange Group Earth People Club) 
Oita CityJapanese volunteer Himawari
Beppu CityEarth exciting open space Chikyuukko wakuwaku Hiroba
Beppu CityBeppu Japanese Conversation Class
Beppu CityJapanese Rakuraku Talk
Nakatsu CityJapanese class “Ai ♡ Kotoba”
Nakatsu CityJapanese class “Kirakira”
Hita CityHita City Japanese Class
Bungotakada CityNihongo kouza
Bungotakada CityTakada International Exchange Association Japanese Class
Usa CityUsa Japanese Class
Usa CitySIM Japanese Language School
日本語学校 授業

Learn Japanese with Japanese tutors near you

While it is natural to study Japanese at a Japanese language school, you can also study Japanese outside of a Japanese language school. Even if you are not in a school, there are many Japanese tutors lasses offered by volunteer teachers. We have compiled a list of volunteer Japanese classes in the area, and encourage you to visit one.

If you can find a place and time that is convenient for you, you may be able to find a good teacher who can help you study in a very enjoyable environment. You may also be able to find a friend to study with.

If you still can’t find a good teacher, try HH JapaNeeds Japanese tutors. HH JapaNeeds teachers are scattered all over the country, so you can take one-on-one lessons near you. You are lucky to have a good Japanese teacher nearby. Now, you can not only improve your Japanese language skills, but also enrich your life in Japan with Japanese tutors.

Learn Japanese near my location in Oita

HH JapaNeeds provides Japanese language classes that are available for enrollment in all cities and towns listed below. We offer a wide range of lessons from beginner to business level.

Oita City, Beppu City, Nakatsu City, Hita City, Saiki City, Usuki City, Tsukumi City, Taketa City, Bungotakada City, Kitsuki City, Usa City, Bungo Ono City, Yufu City, Kunisaki City, towns and villages, Higashikunisaki-gun, Himeshima Village, Hayami-gun, Hiji Town, Kusu-gun, Kokonoe Town, Kusu Town.