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The difficulty with honorific is partly that it is a bit difficult grammatically, but it may also be that giving respect through defined words and grammar is unfamiliar to native English speakers.
Popular Sports to Watch in Japan
There are many countries where sports are popular, but “popular sports” differ from country to country. For example, American football
Basic Japanese Grammar -基本的な日本語文法 –
Japanese grammar is very simple and straightforward. In Japanese, particles are used to mark different parts of a sentence. Particles
The Meaning and Origin of Shichi-Go-San
Living in Japan, have you ever heard of the event called Shichi-Go-San? Shichi-Go-San is a celebration that makes you feel
Workplace & Business Rules of Japanese Companies that Foreigners Should Know
Foreigners who have come to live in Japan for work must adjust to the Japanese lifestyle and work environment. Both