In this day and age when we can look up information from all over the world on the Internet, it has become easier to learn about other cultures.
Many foreign nationals are interested in “Okinawa” in Japan.
Some of them actually move to Okinawa to obtain a college student visa or a work visa.
However, Japanese is a very complicated language, and many people have difficulties after moving to Okinawa.
For this reason, it is of course necessary to learn Japanese beforehand, but it is also necessary to have the option of “learning Japanese in Okinawa” so that you can communicate more deeply with Japanese people.
Click here to learn Japanese language with the best one-on-one Japanese tutoring lessons in online.
In this article, I would like to explain such “classes to learn Japanese in Okinawa.
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Japanese people surprisingly do not speak English
Some people who are thinking of moving to Okinawa may think that they will have no trouble because they can understand English to some extent.
Unfortunately, however, Japanese people surprisingly do not speak English.
Although we are a developed country and have received English education from elementary school, our actual English proficiency is not that high because we study only “grammar” and “vocabulary” instead of learning English as an actual conversation.
If you speak slowly and in a way that is easy to understand, 60-70% of the time you will be understood, but if you speak at your normal speaking speed, most Japanese will not be able to understand you, and you will not get an accurate response.
Because of the presence of U.S. military bases and the high percentage of foreign nationals in the population, there are more people who can speak English in Okinawa than on the mainland, but even so, there are still more people who cannot communicate.
This means that if you want to study or move to Okinawa, you will need to learn at least some Japanese.
Classes for Learning Japanese in Okinawa
Here is a list of some classes where you can learn Japanese in Okinawa.
HH JapaNeeds
HH JapaNeeds is recommended for those who want to take one-on-one lessons like a private tutor rather than a Japanese language class.
The AI matching system allows you to take lessons from a teacher who is a good fit for you.
You can choose the age, type, and gender of your teacher.
You can also choose the content of the lesson, for example, daily conversation, grammar, kanji, or JLPT preparation.
You can take a trial lesson for free, so you can easily try out what kind of teacher you are going to have.
Another nice point is that there is no enrollment fee or handling charge.
Fees range from 1,000 yen to 4,000 yen for 60 minutes.
ICLC is the oldest Japanese language school in Naha City, Okinawa.
It was founded in 1983 and has been accepting students from all over the world for a whopping 40 years.
Students come from a wide range of countries, mainly from Asia, but also from Europe, North and South America, and other parts of the world.
The multinational nature of the school makes it a great place to make friends from many different countries.
We also offer cultural experiences in Japan and Okinawa every three months.
There are “long-term courses” for college student visas, “short-term courses” for tourist visas and working holiday visas, and “resident courses” for those who have a resident visa.
The courses are tailored to the students’ level of understanding of the Japanese language, making it possible for them to learn Japanese efficiently.
SAELU Gakuin
SAELU Gakuin is a Japanese language school located in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture.
There is a “long-term course for international students” aiming for higher education or employment, a “short-term training course” for those who want to learn some Japanese during their stay in Okinawa, and a “course for local Okinawan students” for those who already live in Okinawa and want to improve their Japanese language skills.
The school is located near Kokusai-dori and Shintoshin area, making it very easy to get to.
Okinawa International Exchange and Human Resource Development Foundation, International Exchange Division
Lastly, we would like to introduce a Japanese language class that is free of charge.
However, the class is not open to everyone, and only about 20 people can take the class on a first-come, first-served basis.
The class is held only three times a month, so it is not possible to improve your Japanese language skills all at once, but since the class is free of charge, you should definitely take it if there is room.
There are classes that teach “basic Japanese for daily life,” “individual online classes” conducted via Zoom, “Business Japanese I” where you can learn Japanese communication skills necessary for business, and “Business Japanese II” where you can learn Japanese writing for business.
Proactively communicate with Japanese people based on the basic Japanese you have learned!
The same can be said for learning any language, but it is important to actively use the knowledge you have learned in practice.
It is difficult without basic language skills, but once you have learned some of the basics in a Japanese language class, try to actively communicate with the Japanese people around you.
Through actual conversation, you should be able to understand “Japanese that can actually be used in daily life.
In this article, we have explained about “Classes to learn Japanese in Okinawa.
Japanese people surprisingly do not speak English, so it is better to learn Japanese to some extent in order to live in Okinawa.
Why not consider the Japanese language classes listed here as an option?