Websites for learning Japanese

Besides going to Japan, going to college, and going to school at night to learn Japanese, there are many other sites where you can use the Internet to study.
Many of the websites for learning Japanese are almost free, and you can get the lessons you need.
The best way to actually use and master what you learn here, and to ask questions about things you don’t understand, is to study with a hybrid of Japanese tutors.
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What is the JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test?

The JLPT stands for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test, and it is a test to assess Japanese language proficiency for non-native speakers of Japanese.
There are five levels of JLPT: N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5, and the difficulty level increases as the number decreases.
The test comprehensively measures your Japanese communication skills through the three components of language knowledge, reading comprehension, and listening comprehension.
If you apply for the test and get a passing score or higher, you will be awarded the certification.
The test is held twice a year, in early July and early December.
Many people who take the JLPT for work take the test because it is advantageous for finding a job, getting a raise, or getting a promotion in Japan or their home country if they hold the JLPT certification.
Guidelines for Passing
N5: Able to understand basic Japanese to some extent.
N4: Able to understand basic Japanese.
N3: Able to understand Japanese used in daily situations to some extent
N2: In addition to understanding Japanese used in everyday situations, be able to understand Japanese used in a wider range of situations to some extent
N1: Able to understand Japanese used in a wide range of situations
Japanese new year kagamimochi


皆さんは1年の始まりをどんな風に過ごしていますか? 日本では、一般的に1月7日までを「お正月(osyougatsu)」と呼ばれていて、1月1日を「元旦(gantan)」、1月1日~3日までを「三が日(sanganichi)」と呼んでいます。 どの国でも1年が始まる日はお祝いムードに包まれますが、日本でも同じように新年をお祝いする習慣があります。 その多くが日本ならではの風習であるため、日本に訪れた外国籍の人からすると新鮮な体験ができることでしょう。 この記事では、そんな「日本のお正月ではどんなことをするの?」という疑問について解説していきたいと思います。 Contents1 日本で行われるお正月行事1.1 初日の出1.2 初詣1.3 おみくじ1.4 おせち料理1.5 年賀状1.6 お雑煮1.7 お年玉1.8 鏡餅2 まとめ 日本で行われるお正月行事 それでは、さっそく日本で行われるお正月行事をいくつか挙げていきましょう。 この時期に日本に滞在するならば、ぜひ積極的に日本のお正月を体験してみましょう。 初日の出

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