Home » Japanese grammer » Numbers, Time, and Days of the Week -数字、時刻、および曜日 –

Numbers, Time, and Days of the Week -数字、時刻、および曜日 –

Japanese language grammer the day of the week

Japanese numbers, time, days of the week, etc.




Before we get too much further into Japanese grammar and verb conjugation, I thought it would be a good idea to teach Japanese numbers, time, days of the week, etc. 

一 いち ichi one 

二 に ni two 

三 さん san three 

四 し、 よん shi (yon after 10) four 

五 ご go five 

六 ろく roku six 

七 しち、 なな shichi (nana after 10) seven 

八 はち hachi eight 

九 きゅう kyuu nine 

十 じゅう juu ten 

百 ひゃく hyaku hundred 

Numbers after 10 are a piece of cake once you know 1 through 10. 11 is simply ten with a one after it, 11 (juuichi, juuichi), 12 –juuni, 13 –juusan, 14 –juuyon, etc. 20 is simply twenty (nijuu, nijuu), 21 –nijuuichi, and so forth. 

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Put these numbers in front of the character for time and you’ve got the time of the day. 

一時 いちじ ichiji one o’clock 

二時 にじ niji two o’clock 

二時半 にじはん nijihan two thirty (半 means half) 

二時四十五分 にじよんじゅうごふん nijiyonjuugofun 2:45 (分 means minute) 


Now just put the character for moon month after a number and you’ve got a month. 

一月 いちがつ ichigatsu January 

二月 にがつ nigatsu February 

三月 さんがつ sangatsu March 

四月 しがつ shigatsu April 


Japanese days of the week don’t follow such an easy pattern but here they are anyway along with some other time-related words. 

日曜日 にちようび nichiyoubi Sunday (日 – sun/day) 

月曜日 げつようび getsuyoubi Monday (月 – moon) 

火曜日 かようび kayoubi Tuesday (火 – fire) 

水曜日 すいようび suiyoubi Wednesday (水 – water) 

木曜日 もくようび mokuyoubi Thursday (木 – tree/wood) 

金曜日 きんようび kinyoubi Friday (金 – gold) 

土曜日 どようび doyoubi Saturday (土 – dirt) 

今日 きょう kyou Today 

明日 あした ashita Tomorrow 

昨日 きのう kinou Yesterday 

一昨日 おととい ototoi the day before yesterday 

明後日 あさって asatte the day after tomorrow (a small “tsu” (っ) makes a double consonant) 

今朝 けさ kesa this morning 

今晩 こんばん konban this evening 

今 いま ima now 




一時 いちじ ichiji one o’clock 

二時 にじ niji two o’clock 

二時半 にじはん nijihan two thirty (半 means half) 

二時四十五分 にじよんじゅうごふん nijiyonjuugofun 2:45 (分 means minute) 




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