Japanese life handbook for living in Japan

Discover the essential guide to living in Japan with the Japanese Life Handbook. 

Ideal for both newcomers and seasoned residents, our handbook is your key to a smoother experience in Japan.

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Handbook for Japanese life

This handy guide to daily life is a compilation of essential information for foreign visitors starting their new lives in Aichi Prefecture. If you encounter any issues in your day-to-day life, please check it out and make use of it. Created by the Aichi International Association, this booklet is freely available to the public on the official website. Across Japan, there are international associations, and each municipality offers its own handy guide to daily living, so please consult with your city. This comprehensive resource has been really needed for a long time, offering insights into everyday life, cultural nuances, and practical tips for easily navigating Japanese society. It’s expected that services like NHK World and On Demand will continue to evolve and expand by 2050, further enhancing accessibility to valuable information.


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Chapter 1
Immigration Procedure

  • Residency
  • Management System
  • Procedures for the status of
  • Residence
  • Illegal Stay
  • Procedures
  • Relating to the
  • Residence Card

Chapter 2
Other Procedures

  • Basic Resident Registration System
  • Social Security Tax Number System(My Number)
  • Foreign Registration or Immigration Record
  • Certification b y t he Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
  • Naturalization
  • Death
  • Personal Seal

Chapter 3

  • Working and Status of Residence
  • Working Rules
  • Dismissal and Resignation
  • Workmen’s Accident Compensation
  • Employment Insurance
  • Finding a Job
  • Consultation Services for Work-related Issues

Chapter 4
Marriage & Divorce

  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Domestic Violence

Chapter 5
Childbirth & Parenting

  • When You Get Pregnant
  • Procedures after Childbirth
  • Expenses f or Childbirth and Available Allowances
  • Parenting

Chapter 6

  • Educational System in Japan
  • Educational Support
  • Learning Japanese

Chapter 7
Medical/ Pension /Welfare

  • Medical Institutions
  • Medical Insurance.
  • Public Pension System
  • Long-term Care Insurance
  • Disability
  • Single Parent Household.

Chapter 8

  • Tax System in Japan
  • Income Tax
  • Other Taxes

Chapter 9
Daily Living

  • Housing
  • Electricity, Gas and Water
  • Waste
  • Telephone, Internet and NHK Broadcasting
  • Post al Services
  • Money Transfer.

Chapter 10
Traffic & Transportation

  • Traffic Rules
  • Transportation
  • Motor Vehicle.
  • Bicycles

Chapter 11

  • How to Make a Emergency C all
  • Earthquake
  • Typhoons & Torrential Rains
  • Disaster Victim Certificate
  • Gas Leak
  • Disaster Preparedness Guidebook


Application Procedure Inquiry

Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau
Address 455-8601 Nagoya-shi Minato-ku Shōhochō 5-18
Access 1 minute from “Nagoya Keibajō Mae” station, Aonami line
TEL TEL (main switchboard)………………………………………………………….. 052-559-2150
shinsa kanri bumon (counter service)…………………………………………..052-559-2112
jittai chōsa bumon (residence card)……………………………………………052-559-2140
shūrō shinsa bumon (business and employment)…………………………….052-559-2114
ryūgaku kenshū shinsa bumon
(“trainee” and “technical intern training”)……………………………………052-559-2117
(“student” and “temporary visitor”)…………………………………………..052-559-2118
eijū shinsa bumon
(“permanent resident”, “spouse or child of Japanese national”,
“long-term resident”)………………………………………………………….. 052-559-2120
Hours Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 16:00

Toyohashi Port Branch Office
Address 441-8075 Toyohashi-shi Jinnofutōchō 3-11 Toyohashi Kōwan Gōdō Chōsha
Access Get on the busbound to “Nishi futo kita iki” of the Toyotetsu Jinnofuto Line from the west exit of JR Meitetsu Toyohashi station and get off at the bus stop of“Kowan Godo Chosha”.
TEL 0532-32-6567
Hours Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00

Nagoya Immigration Information Center
Location Inside the Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau
(Toyohashi Port Branch Office does not have an information center.)
Counter consultation Monday to Friday
(English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean and Filipino/Tagalog)
TEL consultation 0570-013904 (Tokyo)
(03-5796-7112 for callsby PHS or IP phone and callsfrom abroad)
Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 17:15 (closed for Saturday, Sunday, national
holiday and end of year holidays) (English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Filipino/Tagalog)

Basic Resident Registration System

Cabinet Office “My Number, The Social Security and Tax Number System”
URL http://www.cao.go.jp/bangouseido/foreigners/index.html (foreign languages)
Call center for My Number (Toll free)
TEL ・Japanese: 0120-95-0178
・English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, Concerning My Number System 0120-0178-26 Concerning “Notification Card”, “Individual Number Card” 0120-0178-27

Immigration Information Disclosure in System Management, General Management Section
of Immigration Service Agency? ???
(shutsunyuukoku zairyukanricho soumuka jyouhou sisutemukanrishitsu shutsunyurkoku jyouhoukaiji kakari)
Address 100-8977 Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku Kasumigaseki 1-1-1
TEL 03-3580-4111 (ext.4448)
“Disclosure request concerning foreign registration card” (Immigration Services Agency)
URL http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/news-list/foreigner.html
“Disclosure request concerning embarkation/disembarkation records” (Immigration Services Agency)
URL http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/news-list/record.html

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (gaimushō)
Central Office
Address 100-8919 Tōky o-tō Chiy oda-ku Kasumigaseki 2-2-1
Consulate Departament, Consulate Service Center (Certification Group) (ryōji kyoku, ryōji sābisu sentā (shōmei-han))
TEL 03-3580-3311 (ext. 2308/2855)
Osaka Branch Office
Address 540-0008 Ōsaka-f u Ōsaka-shi Chūō-ku Ōtemae 4-1-76 Ōsaka Gōdōchōsha 4gokan, 4F
TEL 06-6941-4700
Ministry of Foreign Affairs“Autentification”
URL https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/toko/todoke/shomei/index.html


Contact for inform ation

Nagoya Regional Legal Affairs Bureau, Nationality Section (nagoya hōmukyoku, kokuseki-ka)

Address460-8513  Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 2-2-1


HourMonday to Friday (except public holidays), 8:30 ~ 17:15 (Appointment required)

* In case of consultation, appointment isrequired (You can make an appointment by phone).

Finding a Job

Nagoya Em ployment Service Center for Foreigners

The Nagoya Employment Service Center provides foreign residents including foreign students with services of work-related consultation and employment.

460-0008  Nagoya-shi Naka-ku 2-14-25 Yamaichi Bldg., 8F https://jsite.mhlw.go.jp/aichi-foreigner/

052-855-3770 8:30 – 17:15

Portuguese, English, Chinese, and Spanish (Monday to Friday)

Pilipino・Tagalog(Monday, Thursday, Friday)

(Hours of interpretation: 9:15 – 12:00 & 13:00 – 17:15)

Consultation Services for Work-related Issues

Labor Consultation for Foreign Workers

Location Aichi Labor Bureau
Labor Standards Division, Inspection Section (rōdō kijun-bu, kantoku-ka)
Address 460-8507 Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 2-5-1 Nagoya Gōdō Chōsha Ni Gōkan, 2F
TEL 052-972-0253 (Inspection section (kantoku-ka))
Language English (Tuesdays & Thursdays), Portuguese (Tuesday, Wednesday,Friday)
Hours 9:30 – 12:00 & 13:00 – 16:00
Access 3 min. Walkfrom the exit # 5 of Shiyakusho Station (Subway Meijo Line)

Location Nagoyanishi Labor Standards Inspection Address 453-0813 Futatsubachi-cho 3-37
Nakamura-ku, Nagoya
TEL 052-481-9533
Language Vietnamese (Thursdays)
Hours 9:30~12:00 & 13:00~16:00
Access 10 min walkfrom the exit #4 of Nakamurakuyakuso Station (Subway Sakuradori Line) Take exit#4, walkto the west, and turn to the left at the second traffic signal.

Location Toyohashi Labor Standards Inspection Address 440-8506 Toyohashi-shi Daikokuchō 111
Toyohashi Chihō Gōdō Chōsha, 6F
TEL 0532-54-1192
Language Portuguese (Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Hours 9:30 – 12:00 & 13:00 – 16:00
Access 10 min. Walkfrom Toyohashi Station (JR or Meitetsu) or Shin Toyohashi Station (Kintetsu).

Location Labor Standards Inspection of Kariya Address 448-0858 Wakamatsu-cho 1-46-1
Kariya Godo Chosha 3F
TEL 0566-21-4885
Language Portuguese (Mondays & Thursdays)
Hours 9:30~12:00, 13:00~16:00
Access 200m east of Kariya Station South Exit(JR Line and Meitetsu Mikawa Line)

Consultation by Telephone for Foreign Workers Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

English 0570-001701 Monday – Friday
Chinese 0570-001702 Monday – Friday
Portuguese 0570-001703 Monday – Friday
Spanish 0570-001704 Monday – Friday

Filipino/Tagalog 0570-001705
Vietnum 0570-001706
Nepal 0570-001708
Burmese 0570-001707

Telephone Hotline related labor condition

English 0120-004-008 Eveyday
Chinese 0120-150-520 Everyday
Japanese 0120-811-610 Everyday
Portuguese 0120-290-922 Everyday
Spanish 0120-336-230 Tuesdays,T hursdays,Fridays
Philipino, Tagalog 0120-400-166 Tuesdays,Wedenesdays &Saturdays
Vietnamese 0120-588-815 Wedenesdays,Fridays &Saturdays
Nepali 0120-531-408 Wedenesdays & Sundays
Indonesian 0120-750-880 Thursdays& Sundays
Thai 0120-613-802 Thursdays& Sundays
Korean 0120-613-801 Thursdays& Sundays
Burmese 0120-531-407 Wedenesdays & Sundays
Combodian 0120-613-804 Mondays&Saturdays
Mongolian 0120-613-805 Mondays&Saturdays

Aichi Women’s Counseling Center

TEL 052-962-2527
TEL Consultation Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 21:00
Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 – 16:00
(Closed on public holidays and year- end holidays, sometimes on Monday)
Consultation in Person Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00 – 17:00 (20:30 on Wednesday)
(Appointment required)
(Closed on Mondays, public holidays and year-end holidays, sometimes on Monday)

International School

Schools Where Classes are Held in English in Aichi Prefecture
Nagoya International School (nagoya kokusai gakuen)
International Christian Academy of Nagoya
Aichi International School
Enishi International School

Junior High School Night Class

Aichi Education and Sports Foundation
Address 460-0007
Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Shinsakae 1-49-10 Aichi-ken Kyōiku Kaikan, 2F
TEL 052-242-1588 URL http://aichi-kyo-spo.com/education/yakan/yakanchuugaku.html

Multilingual Medical Institutions

Aichi Em ergency Medical Guide
You can search for emergency medical institutions in the Aichi prefecture in English, Portuguese, Chineses, Korean. Also, you can search medical institutions where mulilanguage servicesare available.
URL https://www.qq.pref.aichi.jp/
You can also acquire information by automatic answering services through voice or fax in multiple languages.
TEL/FAX 050-5810-5884

Aichi Medical Interpretation System (AiMIS)

TEL 050-5814-7263 (Operation office) (Japanese only)
Hour Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 17:30
URL http://www.aichi-iryou-tsuyaku-system.com/

Employees’ Health Insurance

National Health Insurance Association, Aichi (kyōkai kempo)
Address 450-6363 Nagoya-shi Nakamura-ku Meieki 1-1-1 JP Tower Nagoya, 23F
Telephone 052-856-1490
Hour 8:30~17:15 (weekdays)
URL https://www.kyoukaikenpo.or.jp/shibu/aichi/

Japanese Driver’s License

Aichi Driver’s License Test Center (Hirabari) (aichi-ken unten menkyo shikenjō)
Address 468-8513 Nagoya-shi Tenpaku-ku Hirabari Minami 3-605
TEL Main switchboard number: 052-801-3211 (Japanese only)
Telephone ofeach division (Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:45 to 17:15)
● For information on renewal / reissuing / changing information / foreign driver’s license: 052-800-1351
● For information on driving test, proceduresfor expiration dates and changing foreign driver’slicense into Japanese license:
● For information on mature driving course for seniors: 052-800-1353

Counseling for Foreign Residents

Aichi International Association Aichi Multicultural Center

Nagoya international Center Information Counter

Toyohashi City
Counseling for Foreign Residents

Toyohashi international Association Daily Living Counseling for Foreign Residents

Okazaki City
Counseling for Foreign Residents

Okazaki City
Libra International Community Center

Embassy and Consulate

Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea in Nagoya 450-0003
Nagoya-shi Nakamura-ku Meieki-minami 1-19-12 052-586-9221
Consulate-General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Nagoya 460-0002
Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Marunouchi 1-10-29 Shirakawa Dai 8 Building, 2F 052-222-1077
Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Nagoya 461-0005
Nagoya-shi Higashi-ku Higashi-sakura 2-8-37 052-932-1098
Consulate-General of the Republic of Peru in Nagoya 460-0008
Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sakae 2-2-23 Arc Shirakawa Park Building, 3F 052-209-7851
Consulate of the United States of America
in Nagoya 450-0001
Nagoya-shi Nakamura-ku Nagono1-47-1 Nagoya International Center Building, 6F 052-581-4501
Consulate of Canada in Nagoya 460-0002
Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Marunouchi 3-17-6 Nakatou Marunouchi Building, 6F 052-972-0450

Embassy of India 03-3262-2391 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste 03-3238-0210
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 03-3441-4201 Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines 03-5562-1600
Royal Embassy of Cambodia 03-5412-8521 Consulate-General of the Republic of the Philippines 06-6910-7881
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore 03-3586-9111 Embassy of Brunei Darussalam 03-3447-7997
Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 03-3440-6911 Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 03-3466-3311
Royal Thai Embassy 03-5789-2433 Embassy of Malaysia 03-3476-3840
Embassy of the Republic of Korea 03-3452-7611 Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar 03-3441-9291
Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea in Nagoya 052-586-9221 Embassy of the Republic of Maldives 03-6234-4315
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China 03-3403-3388 Embassy of Mongolia 03-3469-2088
Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China 052-932-1098 Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic 03-5411-2291
Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal 03-3713-6241 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 03-3280-7811
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 03-5421-7741 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office 06-6227-8623
Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh 03-3234-5801

Middle East
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 03-5574-7611 Embassy of the State of Kuwait 03-3455-0361
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates 03-5489-0804 Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia 03-3589-5241
Embassy of the Republic of Yemen 03-3499-7151 Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic 03-3586-8977
Embassy of Israel 03-3264-0911 Embassy of the Republic of Turkey 03-6439-5700
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq 03-5790-5311 Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain 03-3584-8001
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran 03-3446-8011 Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 03-5478-7177
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman 03-5468-1088 Embassy of the Republic of Lebanon 03-5114-9950
Embassy of the State of Qatar 03-5475-0611

Australian Embassy 03-5232-4111 Embassy of the Republic of Palau 03-5797-7480
Embassy of the Independent Sates of Samoa 03-6228-3692 Embssy of the Republic of the Fiji 03-3587-2038
Embassy of the Kingdom of Tonga 03-6441-2481 Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands 03-6432-0557
New Zealand Embassy 03-3467-2271 Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia 03-3585-5456
Embassy of Papua New Guinea 03-3710-7001

North America
Embassy of the United States of America 03-3224-5000 Embassy of Canada 03-5412-6200
American Consulate in Nagoya 052-581-4501 Consulate of Canada in Nagoya 052-972-0450

Central and South America
Embassy of the Argentine Republic 03-5420-7101 Embassy of the Republic of Haiti 03-3486-7096
Embassy of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay 03-3486-1888 Consulate-General of the Republic of Haiti in Tokyo 03-3486-7096
Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador 03-3499-2800 Embassy of the Republic of Panama 03-3505-3661
Embassy of the Republic of El Salvador 03-3499-4461 Consulate-General of the Republic of Panama in Tokyo 03-3585-3661
Embassy of the Republic of Cuba 03-5570-3182 Embassy of the Republic of Paraguay 03-3265-5271
Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala 03-3400-1830 Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil 03-3404-5211
Embassy of the Republic of Costa Rica 03-3486-1812 Consulate-General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Nagoya 052-222-1077
Embassy of the Republic of Colombia 03-3440-6451 Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 03-3409-1501
Embassy of Jamaica 03-3435-1861 Embassy of Belize 03-5365-3407
Embassy of the Republic of Chile 03-3452-7561 Embassy of the Republic of Peru 03-3406-4243
Consulate-General of the Republic of Chile in Tokyo 03-3452-1425 Consulate-General of the Republic of Peru in Nagoya 052-209-7851
Embassy of the Dominican Republic 03-3499-6020 Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia 03-3499-5441
Consulate-General of the Dominican Republic in Tokyo 03-3499-6010 Embassy of the Republic of Honduras 03-3409-1150
Embassy of the Republic of Nicaragua 03-3499-0400 Embassy of the United Mexican States 03-3581-1131

Embassy of the Republic of Iceland 03-3447-1944 Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan 03-6721-7455
Embassy of Ireland 03-3263-0695 Embassy of the Czech Republic 03-3400-8122
Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan 03-5486-4744 Royal Danish Embassy 03-3496-3001
Embassy of the Republic of Albania 03-3543-6861 Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany 03-5791-7700
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia 03-6277-7453 Consulate-General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Osaka-Kobe 06-6440-5070
Embassy of Italy 03-3453-5291 Embassy of Turkmenistan 03-5766-1150
Consulate-General of Italy in Osaka 06-4706-5820 Royal Norwegian Embassy 03-6408-8100
Embassy of Ukraine 03-5474-9770 Apostolic Nunciature 03-3263-6851
Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan 03-6277-2166 Embassy of Hungary 03-5730-7120
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy 03-5211-1100 Embassy of Finland 03-5447-6000
Embassy of the Republic of Estonia 03-5412-7281 Embassy of France 03-5798-6000
Embassy of the Republic of Austria 03-3451-8281 Consulate-General of France in Kyōto 075-761-2988
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 03-5776-5400 Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria 03-3465-1021
Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Osaka 06-6484-6000 Embassy of the Republic of Belarus 03-3448-1623
Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 03-3589-1821 Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Tokyo 03-3262-0191
Republic of North Macedonia 03-6868-7110 Consulate-General of the Kingdom of Belgium 03-3262-0191
Embassy of Greece 03-3403-0871 Embassy of the Republic of Poland 03-5794-7020
Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic 03-6453-8277 Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina 03-5422-8231
Embassy of the Republic of Croatia 03-5469-3014 Embassy of Portugal 03-5212-7322
Embas sy of the Republ ic of Kosovo 03-6809-2577 Embassy of the Republic of Moldova 03-5225-1622
Embassy of the Republic of San Marino 03-5414-7745 Embas sy of the Republ ic of Latvia 03- 3467- 6888
Embas sy of Geor g ia 03-5575-6091 Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania 03-3408-5091
Embassy of Switzerland 03-5449-8400 Embas sy of Romani a 03- 3479- 0311
Embas sy of Sweden 03-5562-5050 Embassy of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg 03-3265-9621
Embassy of Spain 03-3583-8531 Embas sy of the Russian Federation 03- 3583- 4224
Embas sy of the Slovak Republ ic 03-3451-2200 Consulate-General of the Russian Federation in Osaka 06-6848-3451
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia 03-5468-6275 Deleg ation of European Commission 03- 5422- 6001
Embas sy of the Republ ic of Serbia 03-3447-3571

Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria 03-3711-2661 Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania 03-3425-4531
Embassy of the Republic of Angola 03-5430-7879 Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia 03-3511-6622
Embassy of the Republic of Uganda 03-3462-7107 Embassy of the Republic of Togo in Tokyo 03-6421-1064
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt 03-3770-8022 Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 03-5425-8011
Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 03-5420-6860 Embassy of the Republic of Namibia in Tokyo 03-6426-5460
Embassy of the State of Eritrea 03-5791-1815 Embassy of Burkina Faso 03-3485-1930
Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 03-5410-8631 Embassy of the Republic of Benin 03-6268-9360
Embassy of the Gabonese Republic 03-5430-9171 Embassy of the Republic of Botswana 03-5440-5676
Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon 03-5430-4985 Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar 03-3446-7252
Embassy of the Republic of Guinea 03-3770-4640 Embassy of the Republic of Malawi 03-3449-3010
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya 03-3723-4006 Embassy of the Republic of Mali 03-5447-6881
Embassy of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire 03-5454-1401 Embassy of the Republic of South Africa 03-3265-3366
Embassy of the Republic of Congo 03-6427-7858 Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique 03-5760-6271
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of The Congo 03-6456-4394 Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania 03-6712-2147
Embassy of the Republic of Zambia 03-3491-0121 Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco 03-5485-7171
Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti 03-5704-0682 Embassy of Libya 03-3477-0701
Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe 03-3280-0331 Embassy of the Republic of Liberia 03-3441-7720
Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan 03-5729-6170 Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda 03-5752-4255
Embassy of the Republic of Senegal 03-3464-8451 Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho 03-3584-7455

Do you have any problems in your life in Japan? HH JapaNeeds has a lot of problem-solving know-how while running a Japanese language class for many years.

  • Language barrier
  • Differences in culture and customs
  • Information written in my native language
  • Sick or injured
  • Earthquakes and other major disasters
  • Employment
  • Driver’s license.
  • Childbirth and childcare
  • The education system and my child’s education
  • Public transportation
  • Trouble in taking out the garbage
  • Inability to get involved in the local community
  • Tax system
  • I would like to volunteer as an interpreter or translator.
  • Other

Please feel free to contact us.

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