Japanese grammer

How is your Japanese language learning going? Some Japanese grammar is simple, while others are complex and difficult to understand. In this Japanese Grammar category, we will post detailed explanations and other information on grammar questions that Japanese language learners often have. Why don’t you relax a little and read it!

Japanese language grammer the day of the week

Numbers, Time, and Days of the Week -数字、時刻、および曜日 –

Japanese numbers, time, days of the week, etc.         Before we get too much further into Japanese grammar and verb conjugation, I thought it would be a good idea to teach Japanese numbers, time, days of the week, etc.  一 いち ichi one  二 に ni two  三 さん san three  四 し、 よん shi (yon after 10) four  五 ご go five  六 ろく roku six  七 しち、 なな shichi (nana after 10) seven 

Numbers, Time, and Days of the Week -数字、時刻、および曜日 – Read More »